With our CVMS Mobile app, if you are experiencing crashes or if some functions are not working as intended, there is a setting that you can enable from within the app to record and send a bug report to our developers. Below are instructions on how to enable this function.
- After tapping on the Menu icon on the top left corner of the screen, tap on the About line.
- Next, tap on User Experience Program.
- In the User Experience section, make sure that User Experience Program is enabled. Then tap on Bug Report.
- From within the Bug Report section, tap on the Analysis Mode icon on the top right
- In the Analysis Mode section, you will need to make sure to enable the Analysis Mode function. This will allow the app to start a debug log.
At this point, you will need to exit out of all the menus and then try to use the app normally and try to reproduce the crash or issue that you are having. If possible, recreate the issue multiple times so that the debug log can record each instance.
- Once you have been able to recreate the issue, you will need to navigate back to the Bug Report menu. From here, you will need to tap on Send Bug Report. This will send the debug logs straight to our development team.
After this, you will see a new entry on this page with a date and time stamp. You will then need to tap on the new entry created.
- After tapping on the line associated with this bug report, you will be shown a QR code. Please then save the QR code on your phone or share the QR code to our support@avycon.com email, along with a description of the problem. This will allow us to reference the debug logs and try to resolve the issue.
Should you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact our Technical Support department during regular business hours.