For our Diversity Series IP Cameras (v8.2.2+), if your installation method requires that you will need to configure every camera from the web interface, below are directions on how to configure a Password Reset method, in the event that the assigned password is lost or forgotten.

Upon first accessing the web interface of a Diversity IP Camera that has never been configured before, or recently reset to default, the web interface will prompt you to assign a password. Make sure to read and follow any password strength rules that might appear.

After you have successfully assigned the IP camera a valid password, you will be shown a window where you can choose a password recovery method.

Depending on the firmware version of the IP camera, the option Super code may not be available. If this option is not seen, it means that it will be enabled by default. You can also add/configure Password Recovery methods if you want at that time.

Below are details on how each method works and steps needed to configure each of them.

Security Question Method

Recover Password Prompt

If this method is chosen, you will be asked to choose three security questions, and then 3 answers for those questions. Please be careful to document these questions and answers, or even take a photo of this screen so that you will be able to reference it later. Click on the OK button to save and finalize this method.

Certificate of Authorization Method

If the Certificate of Authorization method is chosen, this will create a file that you will need to save to your computer. Once the file has been exported, please store the file in a safe place for keeping since this will be the only way to recover the password if this method is chosen.

1. Once you have checked the box next to "Certificate of authorization", then you will need to click on the Export button. 

2. After clicking on the Export button, a dialogue box should appear asking where to save the file. By default, it will save it with the filename "certificate.txt".

After you have confirmed that file was saved, click OK to save these choices.

Super code Method

Depending on the version of firmware that your IP Camera has, you may or may not see this option. If you do not see this option, the firmware on your device will already have enabled this option. If you have this version of firmware with the Super code option missing, you can also choose one or both of the other password options that were previously mention if needed.

If you do see this option available and choose it, this will enable a password retrieval method that will require you to call our Technical Support department if and when you might forget the password. Click on the OK button when you are done.

Not Choosing Any Method (only on certain firmwares)

Depending on your firmware version, you will see all three options presented -- Security Question, Certificate of Authorization and Super code. If you decide to not choose any method, and click on the No or Cancel button, this will leave you with a scenario where the password can never be recovered. Your only option would be to use the reset button that is usually located behind a metal panel on the body of the camera, that when removed provides access to both the microSD memory card slot and the physical reset button, as pictured below.

Should you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact our Technical Support department during regular business hours.