In the event that you have tried to uninstall/remove the CVMS 2.0 Lite software on your Windows PC, to try to upgrade to a new version, and you receive a message that you need to "uninstall CVMS 2.0 Lite first", it might be that the uninstaller did not correctly or fully remove the previous version of the software.
Below are the instructions on how to manually remove CVMS 2.0 Lite from your computer:
- First, make sure to shut down all CVMS 2 services. You can accomplish this by clicking on the Start button and running the program called "CVMS2 Services(Lite)". It may display a message that it is already running. If so, then click on your system tray (lower-right corner of the screen) and find the icon as picture below, right-click on it and choose "Display Main Interface"
- After the CVMS2 Services window appears, click on the Stop All button to stop all of the services that are running in the background
- Close the window and then right-click again on the system tray icon for CVMS2 Services and choose "Quit"
- Now you will need to manually delete the folder for the CVMS 2.0 Lite install. Typically this folder is "C:\Program Files (x86)\AVYCON CVMS Lite"
- Click on the Start Button and then type in "regedit" (without quotes) to find the Registry Editor and launch it.
- If your version of Windows is 64-bit, then you will need to search for every instance of the GUID listed below and delete the folder that the key is in:
9F54147E-5E01-471B-91DF-4057A32B4888 - If you are not finding any instance of the GUID above, then you can search for these terms below and delete the folders:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products\E74145F910E5B17419FD04753AB28488 - Also, here are the GUIDs/Folders to search for and delete based off the installation type of CVMS 2.0:
CVMS 2.0 Lite (32-Bit):
CVMS 2.0 Standard (64 Bit):
CVMS 2.0 Standard (32 Bit):
Should you have any issues with these methods, please feel free to contact our technical support department so that one of our technicians can assist you.