With our Diversity Series recorders, certain models may have an eSATA (External SATA) port located on the back panel of the recorder. Below are specifications on how that port operates:
Maximum HDD Size supported
Recording Modes Supported
- An eSATA HDD can be used to expand the recording capability of the recorder.* For example, if the recorder already has internal storage HDDs, you can connect an external eSATA HDD and add more recording storage to the device which can extend the number of days of recording.
- eSATA HDD can be used as only storage for recording.* If the Diversity recorder does not have an internal HDD installed, an eSATA HDD can be used as the primary storage.
* For both modes listed above, you will need to enable the option labeled "Record on eSATA". This can be found by navigating to Settings->Storage->Disk. If this feature is not enabled, then the eSATA HDD will only be seen as a device for backup only. Please see reference image below: