Below is the syntax for integrating our DVRs/NVRs with third-party RTSP streaming:





(example:    rtsp://admin:123456@ ) 


Username:      username

Password:       password (special reserved characters in password may need to be percent encoded)

Host:                Public IP address or domain name of DVR

Port:                 RTSP port; Default is 554

channelId:        Camera channel

streamType:    Stream type, can be either “main” or “substream” (without quotes)

Note: On NVRs with v1.4.2+ and DVRs with v1.3.6+, you will have to navigate to Network->Port in the Settings menu, and enable the API Server option and make sure Authentication is set to Basic (for plain-text credentials to work). If you choose Digest, you will need to feed the credentials encoded with MD5. Depending on the firmware version, you may only be allowed to enable this option using the local GUI.