In the event that your Doorbird product does not integrate with an AVYCON recorder described in the Doorbird instructions using the ONVIF protocol, you may need to manually add the Doorbird integrated IP camera using the RTSP method. Please follow the steps below to accomplish this:
You will need to navigate into the Settings->Camera->Add Camera menu and then navigate to the Add Manually section. In this menu, you will need to choose Custom from the drop-down menu. In the pop-up window, choose the first unused Protocol Identifier and make sure to change the status to Enabled, and also assign a name that you can remember. Then use the settings below, and click on OK to save the settings. Note that under resource path, if there are multiple options, choose the one that works best for your application:
Main Stream
Type: RTSP
Transfer protocol: TCP
Port: 554
Resource Path: mpeg/media.amp
mpeg/720p/media.amp *
mpeg/1080p/media.amp **
Seconday Stream
Type: RTSP
Transfer protocol: TCP
Port: 554
Resource Path: mpeg/media.amp
mpeg/720p/media.amp *
mpeg/1080p/media.amp **
* = supported by Doorbird D10x/D21x series with v1.29+ firmware
** = supported by Doorbird D11x series only
On the Add Manually screen, put in the correct IP address of the Doorbird product, choose the new protocol you just added, and make sure your credentials are correct and you should be able to test and grab a stream.