For pulling an RTSP Stream from an Axis camera, it can usually respond to the two commands below. The first command should be available to be requested after the Axis camera has been activated. The second command will only work if an ONVIF user has been created. These commands will pull the stream at the default max resolution assigned inside the camera: 


Standard RTSP Syntax (normal credentials):                  axis-media/media.amp  

ONVIF RTSP Syntax (needs ONVIF credentials):            onvif-media/media.amp 


We can use this syntax for the main stream, but for the Substream resolution you can add more after the "media.amp" so that we can request a lower resolution (to help with any bandwidth issues) For example: 





By adding the "?resolution=", you can force the RTSP stream to pull up any resolution that the camera natively supports. You will need to log into the camera's web interface to see which resolutions are supported.

To add the camera with the RTSP Stream method you will need to follow the instructions below:

You will need to navigate into the Settings->Camera->Add Camera menu and then navigate to the Add Manually section. In this menu, you will need to choose Custom from the drop-down menu. In the pop-up window, choose the first unused Protocol Identifier and make sure to change the status to Enabled, and also assign a name that you can remember. Then use the stream syntax from above to fill in for the Main and Sub Stream paths, and click on OK to save the settings.

On the Add Manually screen, put in the correct IP address of the Axis product, choose the new protocol you just added, and make sure your credentials are correct and you should be able to test and grab a stream.